
מציג פוסטים מתאריך אוגוסט, 2010

Obama's oil spill

Recently , I've suggested that in the not-too-distant future, Obama's administration, and president Obama in person, shall become the scapegoat of the american public, in regards to the golf-of-mexico oil spill. Seems like wheels of this expected phenomena have already started rolling, although I have to confess I'm quite surprised at the speed of the process. Two news bits which include, in my mind, preliminary hints to the future plot: An interesting news item , dealing with the impressions of fishermen of the current status of fish and water in the gulf , portrays people who do not believe Obama's administration declerations (one might suggest that after Katrina in 2005, and the slow response of the administration to the Macondo spill, these people have quite a case against the U.S administration, as a whole, but lets not forget that these claims must be taken with a grain of salt, considering the competing interests at stake here.... did anyone say legal actions ?)....

News sources already start to sing in unison: the Macondo spill is already over....

With the usual excellent timing one learns to expect from news sources, and even though the Macondo well is still not premanently sealed , already stories realizing the damages are not as high as previously estimated , and that BP deserves some credit for its management of the crisis , start to accumulate. The choir is here people. I personally guess that the next development in this crowd-behavior will be, once that BP stops being a scapegoat... to find another...  If this prophecy actually comes true, it might be another proof that free market forces do come to their senses in the long term. One cannot expect kittens to guard the cream, and in really high-risk industries, there is only one way to ensure 200% safety precautions taken, and way-unneeded security measures used, just-in-case. we call that regulation. heavy regulation. the same kind of regulation that used to exist until the late 80's in the financial arena of the United States, as a lesson from 1929 and the great depr...

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